Le sommeil & le CBD : quels impacts et bénéfices ?

CBD & sleep: what impacts and benefits? Guide

We now know that an adult needs 7 to 9 hours of sleep per night. However, many factors can impact the quality of our sleep: stress, anxiety, chronic pain, etc. and it is precisely for its ability to reduce these ailments that the consumption of CBD is recommended for people suffering from sleep disorders. As you continue reading, you will discover how CBD affects our sleep, and this, in several ways.

How does CBD affect our sleep?

Every living being is equipped with an endocannabinoid system (ECS).

This system naturally secretes molecules similar to those found in cannabis plants. CBD is a cannabinoid that interacts directly with our ECS, particularly with the CB1 and CB2 receptors .

In doing so, cannabidiol plays a vital role in the circadian rhythm, also known as the sleep-wake system. Unlike sleeping pills, CBD does not just cause a sedative effect, but rather a sleep-regulating effect.

What are the effects of CBD on sleep?

CBD Reduces Stress and Anxiety

Stress and anxiety are among the main factors of sleep disorders. CBD is not only known for its relaxing effect , allowing the mind and body to rest, but this molecule also helps fight depression, which can cause difficulties in sleeping well.

It is however necessary to remember that CBD does not produce any psychoactive effects , unlike tetrahydrocannabinol or rather THC, which is a molecule present in recreational cannabis, and which cannabidiol flowers are devoid of.

CBD Improves Deep Sleep Time

Our sleep is divided into several phases. Deep sleep is one of the most important phases, since it allows us to regenerate thanks to the different processes that the body implements during the night.

CBD is particularly known for regulate homeostasis , the natural balance of our body. This molecule thus makes it possible to regulate different parameters such as heart rate, breathing, but also digestion or body temperature. It is important to know that the slightest imbalance is likely to influence the quality of sleep, thus leading to insomnia and other sleep disorders.

The relaxing action of cannabidiol therefore comes improve the duration of deep sleep by attaching to CB1 and CB2 receptors in order to act on our body. Finally, CBD acts on the nervous system by reducing the time of REM sleep, often responsible for nightmares and parasomnia attacks.

CBD reduces pain

CBD helps people suffering from pain to regain quality sleep , thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties. Certain pains, generally linked to pathologies such as rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, neuropathy, muscle pain ... can alter daily life as well as sleep .

CBD Reduces Symptoms of Sleep Apnea

CBD consumption is likely to play a very important role in falling asleep, and thanks to its action, this molecule can prevent certain sleep apnea attacks . Sleep apnea significantly deteriorates the quality of sleep, as well as the daily lives of people who suffer from it.

This disorder mainly affects people who are overweight, elderly or who snore very loudly, however, it may happen that none of these criteria are met. Indeed, CBD can promote the return of deep sleep , despite sleep apnea.

Furthermore, cannabidiol doesn't just help people with sleep apnea get a good night's sleep . CBD also helps reduce the effects of sleep apnea on their day, reducing stress, anxiety, and the feeling of fatigue that lack of sleep is responsible for.

CBD acts on daytime sleepiness

It is common to feel a significant and temporary sensation of fatigue during the day, even though the day is far from over and we still have many tasks to accomplish before we can rest.

Among the effects of CBD, we note its ability to stimulate alertness during the day , especially in people who suffer from sleep disorders, and to limit feelings of daytime drowsiness. Thus, CBD has the power to act on alertness, increasing it considerably.

Decrease in parasomnias

The relaxing action of CBD on the human body seems to be able to reduce parasomnia factors such as sleepwalking, somniloquy or bruxism, phenomena occurring during the slow, deep or paradoxical sleep phase. The latter cause risks of night awakenings, which cause disorganization and fragmentation of sleep, inducing fatigue during the day.

What is the ideal percentage of CBD for good sleep?

The percentage of CBD needed to enjoy a peaceful night depends on the sensitivity of each person's body . Thus, it is difficult to determine a fixed dose, capable of providing the expected effects. Some people only need a low level of CBD to sleep peacefully, while other people with relatively serious insomnia problems will have a stronger need for cannabidiol.

To improve sleep, some specialists recommend a consumption of 0.5 mg of CBD per kg of body weight . In order to improve the quality of sleep, it is advisable to consume CBD about 10 to 15 minutes before going to bed , so that it allows you to calmly access the restorative phase of the sleep / wake cycle.

Learn more

Are you an athlete? Discover our CBD cream for sports as well as our articles related to sports and bodybuilding:

CBD and sport: what are the benefits? 

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